Ethics & Compliance

We operate our business according to proper ethical guidelines and comply
with all relevant laws and regulations to maintain the trust of our clients and society.

CEO’s Declaration of Integrity
  • 01 We will make sure to root out bribery and corruption.

    No executives or employees should provide, or propose or promise to provide money or other goods to any business associates including domestic and foreign public officials or any existing or future business partners, directly or indirectly, for unjust business or personal purposes.

  • 02 We will apply the ‘No Exception’ policy to any bribery or corrupt acts.

    We will take disciplinary actions for any briberyor corrupt acts through objective and thorough investigations.

  • 03 We will implement policies to protect any employees, third parties or vendors who reject unethical behavior or/and report any bribery or corruption cases.
  • 04 We will inspire our employees to clearly understand that adhering to integrity management leads to true competitiveness and sustainable growth and to actively take proper legal and ethical responsibilities in performing their tasks.
  • 05 We will have not only our employees but also all parties working with us (agents, business partners, brokers, joint ventures, etc.) comply with our anti-corruption policy.
  • 06 When hiring a current or former public official or a public company employee, we will comply with the laws of the Republic of Korea (Public Service Ethics Act).
  • 07 We will not have any transactions with any politicians.
  • 08 We will advocate the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and make active efforts not to be involved in the infringement of human rights.

    We will rule out forced labor of any type, eliminate child labor, and prohibit discrimination in employment and work.

Fair Competition and Trade

We do our best to prevent unfair competition and trade through the operation of the Compliance Program.

  • 01 Each organization should prevent unfair competition and trade from occurring. (quantitative goal)
  • 02 Each organization should make efforts to enhance the compliance levels of the company and its employees by focusing on spreading the management’s emphasis on fair competition and trade as well as through relevant training and inspection. (qualitative goal)
Compliance Practice
  • 01 We secure customers’ trust and seek the company’s sound growth through observation of laws and ethical behaviors.
  • 02 We contribute to the company’s sustainable development through identification and evaluation of legal and ethical risk factors that may hinder the achievement of our goals and proactive responses to them.
  • 03 We pursue voluntary participation by all members and encourage practical activities unrestrained by rules in fostering a compliance culture in both domestic and foreign settings.